The Gospel Brings Grace to Light

…it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day. (2 Timothy 1:10-12)

Before the creation of the universe, God had decided that he would glorify himself by the display of his mercy and his wrath. In order to accomplish this, he would create some men for salvation and some for damnation. So that those who are chosen for salvation would need salvation, he plunged humanity into sin through Adam. The promise of salvation was immediately announced in a simplified form, stating only that Satan would be defeated by one born of the woman. Throughout Old Testament history, and mainly through the prophets, he would disclose more and more details about this promise and this one who would be born of the woman. It is by believing in this promise and looking forward to the predicted Savior that men and women were saved even before the coming of Jesus Christ.

The substance and fulfillment of the promise appeared when Jesus Christ was born to the virgin Mary. A full understanding of this salvation is then “brought to light” through the gospel – that is, the message of the gospel, or the Christian system of doctrines, and the preaching and propagation of this religion. The historical appearance of Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the promise of salvation, and what we call the “gospel” is the message that tells about this salvation. To spread this gospel throughout the world and through the centuries, God calls all believers and especially chosen ministers in every generation to publish it in various ways, whether in speech or in writing.

Paul is called to be “a herald and an apostle and a teacher” of this gospel. The nature of the gospel is fixed and well-defined, and the work of its ministers reflect what it is. Paul does not “channel” Jesus Christ. He is not a performer who “acts out” the way of salvation. He cannot put the gospel in tunes or in paintings. No, he is an announcer, an authoritative witness, and a teacher of intellectual information that God has disclosed to men, with special focus on the facts regarding salvation in Jesus Christ. The gospel is a clear and definite message, communicated in words and understood by the mind. It is not a nebulous feeling or intuition, but a system of doctrines, of assertions and explanations about important facts.

Most men are filled with sin and hatred for God. So when a person comes with a clear and definite message about God, righteousness, salvation, and judgment, he will face opposition. This is a message that awakens the elect to faith and holiness, but incites the reprobates to anger and hatred. As Paul writes, “That is why I am suffering as I am.” It is because he is a preacher and teacher of the gospel. But he says, “I am not ashamed.” He is regarded as a criminal, and chained like one, but he is not embarrassed. He has done nothing wrong, and said nothing wrong. He knows that he has believed in the truth, and has preached the truth. And God will vindicate his own message and his own people at the proper time.