Always Ready

Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said: “Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me….Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!” (Job 38:1-3, 40:2)

If God would speak this way to Job, who did not sin, how much more does his challenge apply to those who refuse to serve him? If God was angry with Job’s friends, who said the wrong things about God (42:7), how much more is he displeased with those who slander the gospel? As Christians, we are to speak God’s words to believers and unbelievers alike. On the basis of God’s revelation, we say to them, “This is what God says. This is what God thinks.” This is no exception.

Always be ready to demand an answer from anyone who has not given a reason for his unbelief. And do this with confidence and aggression. Challenge him. Put pressure on him. “Stand up, non-Christian. Answer me, you unbeliever. Where were you when God created the universe, the heaven and the earth? Prove to me your theory of cosmology. Defend your speculations! Where were you when God made the animals and plants, the man and the woman? Prove to me your theory of evolution. Defend your methodologies! Where were you when Adam sinned and plunged men into depravity? Prove to me your theories on psychology and sociology. Defend your observations! I am suspicious of you. You say that you are wise and informed. But I think you are foolish and know nothing.”

When the non-Christians attempt to answer, tear them apart. Annihilate all their beliefs and arguments with your God-given ability to think and to reason. Do not be afraid of them. Confront them with divine wisdom and authority. Unbelievers have been able to advertise themselves as the intellectual elite of this world because Christians have failed to perform their duty. God demands an answer from those who accuse him, and if you are his true messenger, you will relate this demand to those who hear you. If you hold back, then you are a worthless and unprofitable servant.

As you begin to issue God’s demand to his accusers, you will find that the non-Christians have nothing, and they know nothing. They are completely naked and wretched. Keep up the attack. Be relentless. Refuse to stop. When you have pursued them to the end of the cliff, as they hold on to the edge with their bloodied and weakening hands, and as you step on their fingers and they cry out in agony, you say, “You atheists, you agnostics, you Catholics, you Buddhists, you Muslims, or whatever you are, you have been saying the wrong things about God, and he is very angry with you. Why would you die a miserable, pathetic death? Come now, I will pray for you, so that perhaps he will have pity on you and cause you to see the truth, and save you by Jesus Christ.”