Don’t Beg for Healing

Don’t beg for healing. Just take it, because it belongs to you. It is yours to receive. If you have sinned, you don’t beg God to forgive you. Begging is useless. Christ has paid for your forgiveness with his own blood. You confess your sin, and you ask for forgiveness, but then you receive it by faith. You don’t beg and beg and beg until you feel better. The same is true for healing and anything else that belongs to us in Christ.

Don’t try to ask as many people as you can to pray. Talk about it only with people who have faith for healing.

Avoid teachings that encourage acceptance rather than resistance and dominance over sickness. People pretend to honor God’s sovereignty and accept whatever happens, but that is not what they want, is it? They are dishonest with God and with themselves. Their teachings are really attempts at convincing themselves that it is OK to lay down and let life roll over them. They really want healing, and there is healing in Christ. But when they pray, they tell God what they think they ought to say, and then they sneak off to the doctors to get what they want in the first place.

You want healing, not something else, so insist on it by faith, and don’t let pious teachings talk you out of it.

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