Faith, Healing, and Philosophy

We walk by faith (with biblical revelation as our foundation and first principle), and not by sight (not by our sensation or intuition). Contrary to speculation, I did not learn this from some philosopher. Some people assume that the entire topic revolves around several professors and their followers. We learned faith from the Bible, and there was no controversy.

This has been our principle in the ministry of healing, and we apply it to every area of life. Faith in the word of God regardless of sensations, even against what we see and feel at the moment, has been our bread and butter for years. This is the kind of faith that looks only to the word of God despite contradictory circumstances and overcomes them.

Philosophy added only technical jargon and structure to what we knew. We still rarely use jargon when we talk among ourselves. There is no need for them, because we are not pompous weirdos, and we prefer the biblical terms. We use jargon to discuss these things with those who communicate in technical terms.