By Faith, Anything Can Happen

If something is contrary to the word of God, then you cannot have faith for it, because sin is not faith. Otherwise, anything is possible to faith.

Jesus received money from a fish’s mouth. He changed water into wine. It was not for anyone’s survival, but for pleasure, and perhaps for the host to save face. He multiplied food. He performed the miracle not only to ensure the people’s survival, because he made too much food. There were thousands of poor and hungry people, but there were still baskets of leftovers. This is the gospel. He taught the people to seek first the kingdom of God, and then all the things that the pagans run after, like food and clothing, will be added to them. This is the Jesus condemned today by the faithful pastors, the orthodox scholars, the elite apologists, and the defenders of the faith. They boast that they are untainted by a gospel of health and wealth, but they are the worse heretics, because they preach a different Jesus.

God commanded ravens to bring food to Elijah. Then he sent the prophet to a widow. She was about to use up the last of her supply, and prepared herself to die. But once she received the prophet, her jar of flour was not used up and her jug of oil did not run dry. There are contemporary testimonies similar to this. In one instance, a Bible school drew rice from a container that did not run out for an extended period of time. Do you find this incredible? I do not. If we can believe the Bible’s report on Elijah and Jesus, then we can believe that the same things can happen today. Certainly, those who make false claims are liars, but because I have the Bible, I do not need modern examples to have faith that miracles happen. Those who remain in unbelief make God himself into a liar, and incur infinitely greater guilt.

If there is faith, then nothing is too farfetched. Most of the time, you would care only about the outcome so that you would not need to specify the means by which it comes, unless God inspires you to do it, or unless you want to do it for some reason. If you have faith for it, you can have it. The woman with a bleeding problem specified the way she would receive healing. She said, “If I can just touch his clothes, I will be healed,” and she was. A man asked Jesus to heal his servant and said that the Lord should only speak the word at a distance, even though Jesus already said that he would go there himself. His faith actually changed and upgraded the approach Jesus intended to take. And the miracle happened according to the man’s faith.

The issue is not what you want, or how you want it, but whether you have faith for it. If you have faith for it, then anything can happen. Although Jesus said as much himself, people would harshly criticize when we say the same thing. This is because they have no faith, and they wish to make excuses for themselves.

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