“Our critics always pay a price…”

As partners in the gospel of Jesus Christ, let us remain confident in what we have learned, knowing how we have learned the truth from the scriptures since the beginning of our faith when we were still children. We are also witnesses to the effects of the doctrines of Christ, and we continue to live in his power day by day. Our opponents consist of both Christians and non-Christians, and indeed many who call themselves Christians are worse than the non-Christians. It was also this way when Jesus walked the earth. We should welcome correction from intelligent people, but to this point we have been disappointed. Their disagreements come from a failure to think through simple issues, and from their unbelief toward the word of God. By now, they should know that we have considered every detail of our own position, and we are impervious to their attacks. Even if they refuse to admit this, we know this to be true, and that we have tested our doctrines against scriptures and arguments under much greater pressure than they could ever muster.

When they challenge what is true, it betrays the fact that they believe what is false, so that it backfires against them. Therefore, our critics always pay a price when they attack us on things that pertain to religion. When they choose to engage in high stakes controversy with us, the entry fee is their very souls. We take our faith very seriously. It is more than a hobby. We do not affirm our doctrines just so we will have something to debate and to kill time. We do not like to argue, and when we do, we do not play games. Thus when we are challenged, we shall always hold our critics accountable. There are no freebies. If they lose, they leave their salvation on the table.

This is due to the nature of the issues they choose to discuss. When they attack the word of God, they commit spiritual suicide. It is out of our hands. We do not name the price, but we can only make them aware of it. If we are right, and they are wrong, and they choose to attack us on issues that could backfire against their salvation, then when they do attack us on these things, this is the price that they pay. It is as simple as that. They cannot attack us and walk away unscathed, because they publicly testify against the truth, and each time they corrupt their souls more and more. They will always pay a price. Even if we do not charge them directly, God will hold them accountable. They will always receive in themselves the effects of their false doctrines. Their malice and unbelief corrupt their spirits and corrode their bodies.

So I say again — remain steadfast and unmovable in your faith, and in the things that you have learned from the sacred scriptures. Preach the good news of Jesus Christ. Uphold those who love the truth but who are weak. Do not harm. Do not scheme. Mind your own business in the work of the gospel. Pursue your own program from God. You do not always need to react to what someone else says or does — remain with your agenda, and do not be derailed. Define your mission. Then focus on your mission. Devote your time and effort on things that are consistent with it. Satan might attempt to use criticisms to manipulate you through your pride. If he can control your focus, then he can control your life. Although you would feel like you are defending the truth, you would keep doing things that are other than what your mission dictates. So he defeats you by giving you an illusion of productive ministry. There is also the matter of diminishing returns. That is, the fifth time you respond to something is worth less than the first four times, especially when there are permanent records of these previous four times. Once the marginal benefit becomes too low, then do not waste your time on it. Just forget about it and move forward.

Nevertheless, when you are the one who is correct, and when it suits your mission to address a criticism, then offer no compromise as you do it. Let the critics know that they risk everything when they move against the gospel of Christ. They put everything on the line, even their salvation. If they wish to take a little from us, we will take everything from them, and disqualify them entirely. They will always lose much more than they wish to take. If they wish to take even one thing that Christ has secured for us, then we will take their whole redemption from them based on their own testimony about the word of God. For they are the ones who regard the blood of God as some unholy thing, and forfeit their place in him. We will not lift a finger to harm them. We will only testify against them, and God will enforce his word. He will multiply their punishments as they continue to harden their hearts.

As we have always lived differently by faith in Christ, so continue to live according to the word of God, and not the tradition of men. Follow the path written out for you according to the scriptures. Pay no attention to the rules of men in how they conduct discussions and resolve controversies. When they cause a situation that fall in line with your agenda, then exploit them for the gospel. As it is written, “Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” Otherwise, regard them as rubbish, as the worthless people that they are. Possess a clear vision for the gospel, then move forward. Have no fear, and no regard for mere men. And the God of peace shall crush Satan under your feet.

From: Letters